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BY WALL DONE, 13/09/2012

I love seeing the world in all its strangeness, and as it really is. In our lives, there are always at least two opposing feelings that are intertwined with one another. The first is the drive to take pleasure from life....but for some, there is always a constant sense of pain. There is both beauty and cruelty. There is courtesy and care, as well as rudeness and roughness. All of these things are intertwined I believe. I think that one sees these concepts combined in certain images. I do also love it when my photographs are opened to different readings and interpretations. I mean, a photograph may make you laugh, or conversely might make you ask “Is this tragic? Is he joking with us? Or is it very emotional?” — Michel Vanden Eeckhoudt

Michel was born in 1947 and lives in Brussels. He has been a member of the Agence VU in Paris since its foundation in 1986.

All images © Michel Vanden Eeckhoudt

Wall done MAGAZINE