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what he found in the forest


BY WALL DONE, 08/12/2011

Anna Orłowska is Poland based photographer, whose works were presented in prestigious album ReGeneration2 which focuses on the World's rising stars of artistic photography.

Anna constructs photographic cycles which pretend to be narrative stories. The viewer at first glance, evaluate them as a coherent sequence which has its storyline, but the author herself says: "in my series [...] one seek for the storyline (and they have a problem because nothing there is arranged orderly) instead of focusing on individual images and then combine them into the complete plot."

Her pictures are in various degrees staged: sometimes the place, photographed person, clothing etc. everything is planned and prepared by Anna but sometimes only a part of each photograph is planned and the rest is a matter of luck. In her cycles she also smuggles "real" images - the ones which simply records the world around her.

About her series entitled "What he found in the forest" she writes: "The hero during his monotonous daily journeys by car, sees images that trace the strange and unusual situation. By combining parts together he arranges his own versions of events, which eventually becomes the only story on himself."


For those of you living in our one-of-a-kind, beautiful city... Anna is having an exhibition called Leakage starting 08.12.2011 at 7:00PM, CK Agora/Serbska 5a. It would be unwise to miss such an opportunity.

All images @ Anna Orłowska

Wall done MAGAZINE